Saturday, June 24, 2006

Jenna and her MG Midget

Jenna and her MG Midget
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
Another proud Midget owner. Here is her website.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Lotus Baby!

Lotus NYC 2
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
Wow! is all I can say. First time seeing one of these on the road (or parked on a street -in this case 73rd street off Broadway). Totally hot!! The black makes this Exige look much more serious then some of those bright colors I see these cars painted up in in magazine ads. If you get one, get it in black.

Lotus Exige

Lotus NYC 1
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
The view from the back. It looks like an alien insect ready to devour that little scooter in front of it. If there is a cooler looking car out there, I don't know about it.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mini in Dumont, NJ

Mini in Dumont, NJ
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
Spotted this Italian Mini in Dumont, NJ while driving my cab yesterday. Not for sale. Looks like it's just getting some servicing. Like the color -not too flashy.

Monday, June 12, 2006

1977 MGB in Battery Park City

MGB Battery Park9
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
This one i didn't have to chase. Found it parked on South End Ave. A real fine example. I'm a Midget man, myself. But this car makes me reconsider the slightly larger B.
BTW: I was at "A Mickey Dezuzio Antique Cars" in Englewood, NJ today. He is going out of business. He has some cars left including a Blue MGC in running condition that he will sell to you for a song (about $1400). It needs some work. But a great project car. He also had a Datsun roadster in lesser condition. He is located at 311 Forrest Ave. 201-871-3657

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Jeep in Manhattan

Jeep in Manhattan
Originally uploaded by davidjdiller.
This is an odd looking Jeep. Looks like it was set up for mail delivery?